The definition of the CNC

In traditional machining, ordinary machine tools are operated by hand. When machining, the mechanical tool is shaken by hand to cut metal, and the accuracy of products is measured by caliper and other tools. Modern industry has long used computer digitally controlled machine tools for operation. CNC machine tools can automatically process any products and parts directly according to the program compiled by technicians in advance. This is what we call "NC machining". NC machining is widely used in any field of all machining, and it is also the development trend and important and necessary technical means of mold machining.

Machining parts with CNC technology
"CNC" is the abbreviation of computerized numerical control . NC machine tool automatically processes the machined parts according to the pre programmed machining program. We compile the machining process route, process parameters, tool trajectory, displacement, cutting parameters (spindle revolutions, feed, back feed, etc.) and auxiliary functions (tool change, spindle forward rotation, reverse rotation, cutting fluid on and off, etc.) of the parts into a machining program sheet according to the instruction code and program format specified by the NC machine tool, Then the contents of the program sheet are recorded on the control medium (such as perforated paper tape, magnetic tape, magnetic disk and magnetic bubble memory), and then input into the NC device of the NC machine tool to command the machine tool to process parts.